Wednesday, May 20, 2009

There is no failure except in no longer trying. - Elbert Hubbard

So, I don't feel too terrific about the last couple of weeks in GTD terms. I've been getting up when I wanted to, but I haven't kept up with any of the other things I wanted to do in my morning routine. On the other hand I finally got a job, which makes me quite happy.

For this next week I'm going to add one thing to my morning ritual. Right after I get up I'm going to take a shower (rather than read on the internet for a couple of hours).

In other personal GTD news, I've switched from Toodeldo to the Tasks on Google Calendar. I really like it & like that it appears right next to my calendar. I've also started on gyminee and am working on the one hundered push-ups challenge and adding some pull-ups to even things out.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The beginning is the most important part of the work. -Plato

The times when I've felt the best & been the most productive have been when I've had a good, solid morning schedule, so that is what I'm going to work on this week. My plan is to get up at 7am (but will allow myself until 7:30), take a shower, and while eating breakfast list out my to-dos for the day.

To help with this I'm employing two websites. Joe's Goals a goal tracking site and Tooledo my favorite to do list site. My other goals on Joe's goals are to shovelglove every weekday, to apply to at least one job each day & to eat fewer desserts (I am failing miserably at this last one).

We'll see how I've done next Wednesday. I'm off to put 'Update I Will GTD blog' on my to do list for next Wednesday.

First post

This blog is for me. Hopefully it will help you too, but first and foremost it is for me.

Right now I'm unemployed, but (I think) highly employable & living in part of the country that only has horrible unemployment, rather than really really horrible unemployment.

The two biggest things I want to 'Get Done' are getting a job & a website I've been working on for a while. To that end I will, once a week (I guess on Wednesdays) track what I've done, what has worked for me, what hasn't and my plans for the next week.